On March 19, Gagan Kumar Kamat, an Observer from the Ministry of Education, visited several Literacy centers in Kargil to oversee the smooth conduct of the assessment. The assessment was part of the New India Literacy Program (NILP), a new Central Sponsored Scheme on Education for all that is aligned with the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020 recommendations.
Approximately 10,000 adult learners in the UT participated in the Foundational Literacy and Numeracy Assessment Test at 369 Literacy Centers in Leh and Kargil districts. The test was supervised by 496 VTs and 369 teachers.
During his visit, the Observer monitored the examination process at the Government Middle Schools of Chaukiyal, Throngos, and Goshan to assess the foundational numeracy and literacy of learners in these areas. He interacted with the volunteer trainers and learners and assessed the examination procedure, directing the concerned to complete the work as soon as possible.
Dr. Safdar Ali, the Director of School Education, Ladakh, also visited various centers and interacted with adult learners during the assessment test. Additionally, Chief Education Officers and Zonal Education Officers inspected the centers to monitor the process.
The assessment test was conducted according to the Ministry of Education’s guidelines, with a Question-Cum-Answer Booklet (QAB) translated into local languages issued to adult learners for the test. The QAB was collected for evaluation at the Zonal level. The adult learners were enthusiastic and passionate during the test, which is a significant step towards literacy.
The program’s first phase enrolled 4,183 learners in District Kargil. The second phase of the program will cover the remaining illiterate population of around 16,000 in the district, including Zanskar Sub Division.