

Strengthening Ladakh’s IT Infrastructure: Focus on Cybersecurity and Seamless Connectivity

Amit Sharma, Administrative Secretary of the Information Technology Department for UT Ladakh, convened a crucial meeting on July 10 to discuss and strategize key aspects of IT infrastructure and cybersecurity in the region. Present at the meeting were Deputy Director General (DDG) and State Coordinator for NIC Ladakh, along with senior officers from NIC J&K. […]

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Collaborative Progress: IIT-led Delegation Discusses Sindhu Central University’s Development with Ladakh’s Lieutenant Governor

A delegation led by Professor Sachin S Gunthe from IIT Madras met with Lieutenant Governor of Ladakh, Brigadier (Dr) BD Mishra (Retd), at the Lieutenant Governor’s Secretariat on July 9. Also present were L Franklin, Commissioner/Secretary to the LG, Padma Angmo, Commissioner/Secretary of Higher Education, the Vice-Chancellor of University of Ladakh (UoL), and Nawang Tundup, […]

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Driving Towards Carbon Neutrality: Ladakh’s Zero Emission Vehicle Initiative

In a pioneering move within the Union Territory of Ladakh, the UT Transport Department, under the leadership of Secretary-cum-Transport Commissioner Amit Sharma, conducted a half-day workshop on March 19. The workshop aimed to engage all stakeholders in the transport sector to promote the adoption of Zero Emission Vehicles (ZEVs) for freight transport, with the goal […]

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Ladakh’s Path to Empowerment: Skills, Education, and Entrepreneurship

Retired Brigadier (Dr.) BD Mishra, the Lieutenant Governor of Ladakh, inaugurated four Skill Sector Centers and Laboratories specializing in Mushroom Culture, High-Altitude Trekking Guide, Graphic Design, and Jam and Jelly Production Technician at Eliezer Joldan Memorial College, Leh. This ceremony took place on March 12, with Advocate Tashi Gyalson, the Chairman of LAHDC Leh, in […]

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Ladakh’s Scientific Ascent: Secretary Amit Sharma Guides UT’s Innovation Odyssey at India International Science Festival 2023

Amit Sharma, the Administrative Secretary of Science and Technology in the Union Territory of Ladakh, participated in the India International Science Festival 2023 held in Faridabad, Haryana (NCR Delhi) on January 19. The four-day event brought together notable figures from various parts of the country and attracted participants from over 20 countries, including Argentina, South […]

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Critical Review and Future Directions: Deliberations on Ladakh’s Wildlife Sanctuaries

Lieutenant Governor of Ladakh, Brigadier (Dr) BD Mishra (Retd), conducted a review and discussion on the status of the rationalization of the Karakoram and Changthang Cold Desert Wildlife Sanctuaries at the LG Secretariat on December 9. Present at the meeting, both physically and virtually, were Chairman of LAHDC Leh, Advocate Tashi Gyalson; Member of Parliament […]

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Optimizing Ladakh’s Transport: A Strategic Approach to Vehicle Rationalization

On October 6, a meeting regarding the rationalization of motor vehicles in Ladakh was presided over by Amit Sharma, IAS, Secretary of Transport for the Union Territory of Ladakh. Recently, the UT Administration established a committee to evaluate motor vehicle proposals from various departments, aiming to assess the current status and genuine need for vehicles […]

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Unveiling Ladakh’s Fascinating Religious Diversity: Explore the Region’s Rich Cultural Heritage

Ladakh, a high-altitude region in the Indian state of Jammu and Kashmir, is a place of diverse and rich religious traditions. Buddhism is the predominant religion in Ladakh, and its influence can be seen in the region’s culture and architecture. The history of Buddhism in Ladakh can be traced back to the 2nd century, when […]

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