
Advancing Sustainable Energy: Evaluating the Puga Geothermal Project in Ladakh
- April 12, 2024
- “ensure
- accurately
- achieved,
- action
- actions
- added.
- address
- administrative
- advancing
- advisor
- aimed
- aligns
- and
- any
- approach
- areas
- attended
- balance
- birds
- cattle,
- centre
- chaired
- challenges
- chart
- clear
- commissioner/ceo,
- completion
- comprehensive
- concerns.
- concluded
- consultant.
- corporation
- councillor,
- delhi
- deliberations
- department
- deputy
- detailed
- development
- director
- discussions
- disrupt
- does
- dr.
- ecology,
- ecosystem.
- emphasised
- endanger
- energy
- enhance
- ensuring
- environmental
- evaluate
- evaluating
- execution
- executive
- fauna,”
- focused
- follows
- for
- formulation
- fostering
- future
- gas
- general
- geothermal
- habitats
- harm
- harnessing
- highlighted
- identify
- impact
- importance
- including
- initiatives
- its
- key
- kotwal
- ladakh
- lahdc,
- Leh
- light
- livestock,
- local
- marked
- meeting
- milestones.
- minimise
- mitigate
- Momos
- namgyal
- natural
- need
- new
- not
- objectives,
- officers
- oil
- ongc
- optimise
- other
- outlined
- outlining
- overview
- pawan
- plan
- planning
- pose
- potential
- power
- practices
- presentation
- proactively
- progress;
- project
- projects
- proposed
- provided
- puga
- region
- regional
- roadmap,
- safeguard
- safeguards
- scrutinise
- secretary
- security
- shed
- solutions
- status
- strengthening
- stressed
- sustainable
- tashi
- territory
- that
- the
- thorough
- timelines,
- towards
- union
- virtual
- was
- well-being
- wildlife,
- with
- yakzee,
The Advisor to the Union Territory of Ladakh, Dr Kotwal chaired a virtual meeting to accurately evaluate the completion of the Puga geothermal project. The meeting aimed to scrutinise the status of the project, chart a comprehensive roadmap, and proactively identify and address potential challenges to its progress. The meeting was marked by discussions and […]
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Empowering Farmers: Promoting Sustainable Agriculture Practices through Pesticide Workshop
A one-day workshop focusing on the “Safe and Judicious Use of Pesticides and Application of New Generation Formulations for Crop Protection in Vegetable Crops” was conducted on February 14th at the Auditorium Hall in Kargil. This event was organized by the University of Ladakh in collaboration with the Institute of Pesticide Formulation Technology Department of […]
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